• Livestock Inspectors shall determine by inspection of the livestock if the person in charge is the owner or is authorized in writing to handle the livestock.

  • a) Livestock shall not be slaughtered, sold, or driven, transported, shipped, or conveyed from it’s accustomed range or pasture or other place where it has been kept, driven transported, shipped, or conveyed from the Colorado River Indian Reservation unless the livestock (1) have been inspected by an inspector for health, brands, and marks immediately before they are slaughtered, sold, driven transported, shipped, or conveyed (2) the inspection fee paid thereon, and (3) the issuance of a record of inspection.

    b) The owner or authorized handler of the livestock to be slaughtered, sold, driven, transported, shipped, or conveyed as provided in the subsection. Shall notify the inspector of this intention to do so and shall make arrangements of time and place for the inspection.

    c) The person in charge of the inspected livestock shall at all times have and make available for examination by the livestock inspector or the other duly authorized law enforcement officials the duplicate of the record of inspection upon request or demand therefor.

    d) A person violating this section shall be guilty of an offense.

  • a) Twenty-five cents ($.25) per head for cattle.

    b) Ten cents ($.10) per head for sheep, goats, and swine.

    c) One dollar ($1.00) per head for horses, mules, and asses.

  • The person who alters a certificate or record of inspection or copy thereof issued by a Livestock Inspector or other authorized representative of the Tribes is guilty of an offense.

  • A person who removes an animal and substitutes anther thereof or adds other animals to a lot of livestock for which an inspector has issued a certificate of inspection for shipment, sale, or slaughter is guilty of an offense.

  • Producers who slaughter livestock for the purpose of suing the meat for food for themselves, their immediate family, or employees, shall be required to have the livestock inspected before slaughter, and the